Fund Summary

Mapletree China Logistics Investment Private Fund (MCLIP) is a China logistics focused open-ended private fund, aiming to generate long-term, consistent total returns with a growing distribution yield through a “build-to-core” strategy. The Fund is initially seeded with 43 Grade A logistics properties comprising 19 completed properties and 24 development projects across key logistics hubs.  


As part of active portfolio management and capital recycling strategy, MCLIP will undertake acquisition and divestment of properties from time to time to realise development profits and/or capital appreciation. Divestment proceeds can be redeployed to continuously scale up and enhance MCLIP’s portfolio of modern logistics properties. 

Fund Overview



Inception Fund Equity

US$0.9 Billion



Inception AUM

US$1.7 Billion

Mr Jalen Wang

Mr Jalen Wang

Chief Executive Officer,
Logistics, China

Mr Jalen Wang, as Chief Executive Officer of China Logistics Development, is responsible for the development, operation and divestment of Mapletree’s logistics portfolio in the PRC. He has more than 14 years of experience in logistics strategic planning, investment management and capital recycling activities.

Since joining Mapletree in 2010, Mr. Wang has led the investment of 27 projects, with GFA of approximately 1.9 million sqm and AUM of approximately RMB5.9 billion. He was also involved in the divestment of 37 projects, with GFA of approximately 2.6 million sqm and AUM of approximately RMB11.3 billion.

Mr. Wang holds a Master of Business Administration from Rice University.